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During concluding nighttime's E3 printing conference, Microsoft unveiled the finished version of its long-awaited half-step console. Dubbed "Xbox Ane Ten," this high-powered gaming auto is designed for full-on 4K gaming and media playback. And when it ships on November 7th, information technology'll cost $499 — twice that of the current Xbox One S.

The console formerly known equally Scorpio is Microsoft's respond to the PS4 Pro, and a compelling offering for gamers with deep pockets. Afterwards the somewhat disastrous original Xbox 1 launch, Redmond has learned its lesson about cutting corners. With a UHD Blu-ray drive, Dolby Atmos support, and blazing internals, Xbox head Phil Spencer isn't fooling around.

Xbox One X Specs


Going in, we had a fairly good idea of what the specs would look like. We're getting a six-teraflop GPU at 1.172GHz, a high-end liquid-cooled vapor chamber for heat direction, 12GB of GDDR5 RAM, and a whopping 326GB/south of retention bandwidth. By all accounts, these internals tin provide honest-to-goodness 4K gameplay with proper loftier-res textures.

In comparison, the PS4 Pro is quite a bit weaker. In that location's significantly less RAM, less memory bandwidth, and less powerful silicon in a rather bulky box — the tables have turned against Sony. At to the lowest degree that's the way it seems on paper.

However, we're still bullish on the PS4 Pro's chances for continued success. While Sony'south console rarely delivers a native 4K resolution, the various rendering tricks on offer have minimized that issue. Sony had a whole year head-start, so 4K enthusiasts may have already aligned with PlayStation. And since Microsoft is launching the Xbox I 10 at 500 bucks, the Pro'southward $400 price tag is easier to accept. Hell, Sony might even reduce the toll later today to downplay Microsoft'due south announcements.


First and foremost, new releases will be built to take reward of the new hardware. Games similar Forza Motorsport vii, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, and Canticle are being developed with the actress horsepower in listen, so a 4K resolution and HDR support are to be expected.

Equally for existing Xbox I titles, many of them are getting total-scale Xbox One X patches much like we saw on the PS4 Pro. Spencer called out Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, Killer Instinct, Halo Wars two, and Minecraft equally the first-party games that volition be patched at no additional cost.

In addition, more than 30 third-party games like Resident Evil seven, Final Fantasy Fifteen, and Rocket League volition be getting patched. And fifty-fifty if your favorite Xbox I game isn't going to get a patch, we can still expect some mild operation improvements to come up along for gratuitous.

On the backwards compatibility front, all of the currently compatible Xbox 360 games will keep to work on the Xbox One. Even amend, select original Xbox games, like Blood-red Skies, will be making their way to the various Xbox One consoles — disc support and all. And since original Xbox emulation has been slow-going, this motion from Microsoft will arrive much easier for retro game fans to play some real classics. Our fingers are crossed for Jet Set Radio Hereafter and MechAssault!

Now read: The best free games on the Xbox I